Instructions: Drag the colored dots to find the four statements that best describe your behaviorial, artisanal, social, and emotional habits: (B) How productively do you write? (A) How skillfully do you write? (S) To what degree are other people a part of your writing practice? (E) How do you feel about your writing? Next, click “See My Profile” for suggestions on how to strengthen and expand your Writing BASE.
Your profile: The Mountain
The Mountain profile indicates that you have given yourself a relatively high rating for your Artisanal Habits but low or moderate ratings for your Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Habits. You feel skilful and articulate as a writer; however, you often struggle to make time for your writing, you tend to work in social isolation, and the writing process mostly brings you anxiety and frustration rather than joy. To broaden the BASE upon which your writing practice is built, consider drawing on your confidence and skill as a craftsperson to establish a more productive daily routine, widen your social horizons, and find greater pleasure writing. For help in getting started, see Parts 2, 3, and 4 of Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write (Sword 2017).
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Behavioral habits.
My everyday academic writing habits are:
5. Neither good nor bad -
Artisanal habits.
My skills as an academic writer are:
5. Neither good nor bad -
Social habits.
I engage in productive conversations with other people about my writing and work-in- progress:
5. Occasionally -
Emotional habits.
When I think about my academic writing, the emotions I feel are:
5. Evenly balanced between positive and negative
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© Helen Sword